Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Obama Won't Rest... or

Okay, okay. I think I'm starting to get it now. I mean, it's only been what, a year? President Barack Hussein Obama is kind of confused when it comes to pronouns. When he says "I" he means you. And when he says "we" he means those guys.

So when he comes off the golf course, or tennis court, or out of the gym or, or, or... to say   "We will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable." or "I promise you this: I won't rest until things get better."  or "..And I will not rest until businesses are investing again and businesses are hiring again and people have work again.” or "And I won’t rest until every American who wants a job can find one."  or “I will not rest until the dream of healthcare reform is achieved in the United States of America.”  what he really means is, "You'd better fix this while I rest, or under the bus you go".

Come on dude, give it a rest.

The rest of Les James' posts can be found a Global Warming Hoax & Lies at Mild Max, and Radioactive Liberty

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sarah Palin Jacket : Note Found in Pocket


The Bid on Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue' Jacket has reached $57,000.00 according to radio host Laura Ingraham.

Bid on the jacket that Sarah Palin wore for the "Going Rogue" book cover. It is a one-of-a-kind item. In addition to the jacket, the winner will also receive a personalized copy of "Going Rogue" and have the opportunity to visit the studio with Laura.

All proceeds go to benefit The Wounded Warrior Project and The Fisher House

While trying on the jacket yesterday, Laura discovered a note in the right hand pocket. On further inspection it turned out to be a check list written by Sarah Palin. Sideshow Mirrors has obtained a copy of the note:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Oprah writing new book.

In a recent interview, Oprah Winfred announce her new book title: Going Bacon.

When the question was raised about the similarities between her and Sarah Palin both quitting their day jobs and writing books, it was asked if she had any political aspirations.

Oprah only said “I’m gonna kick her gun toting, bear killing, salmon fishing, skinny honky white ass all the way back to Alaska! Right after I finish this box of jelly donuts.”

There has been no response from the Palin camp…yet.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Global Warming Fix is Horse Shit

Co-written by Les James and our new humorist, L Ron Jeremy. We think he's going to be big.

Obama invites a Teabagging Redneck over for a Bud. They sit in the Rose Garden at the White House.

Obama: "Thank you for excepting my invitation."

Teabagging Redneck: "If having the Secret Service break down my door at 2 AM, handcuff me and drag me here in my briefs constitutes an invitation, then your welcome."

They sip at their beers for a few minutes. Obama puts his down and reaches into his coat pocket. He pulls out a tin of Copenhagen Smokeless Tobacco and offers some to the redneck.

Obama: "Try Some. Just a pinch between your cheek and gum, and all your global warming problems melt away.”

Teabagging Redneck: “The irony of that statement wasn’t lost on me. I’ll tell you Mr. President, I’ve got about 100 Billion reasons not to do this, but in the Spirit of Détente, what the hell.” He takes a pinch and places it in his mouth. His face turns bright red.

Obama: "Good isn’t it?"

Teabagging Redneck: "Oh my fuc…!" Gagging "This taste like Horse Shit!"

Obama: "Clydesdale actually. Goes well with the beer."

Teabagging Redneck: “What!” Desperately looking for somewhere to spit it out.

Obama: “Now don’t you go ruining Michele’s roses. You going to have to swallow it.”

Teabagging Redneck: “Huh?”

Obama: “You heard me. It’s your patriotic duty. Everyone’s going to have to learn to. So, swallow it.”

Teabagging Redneck: He chokes it down. “Ahggg! I think I’m going to be sick.”

Obama: “Don’t get sick yet. You’ve got to pay tax outrageous taxes for four years before you get any Obama Care benefits.”

Teabagging Redneck: “I need a bucket or something.”

Obama: “Well, you’re not getting the one on my head.” Obama looks at the redneck with disgust. “I never should have started you off on the good shit. It’s an acquired taste you know.”

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sort of Back

It's been a long while, but Sideshow Mirrors is sort of back. Let me explain. I was working a job that took up almost all my free time, and a lot of the time I did have was spent in a place with no Internet. Imagine that for a second. That's over for now.

I continued to write my weekly post at the world's number one conservative humor site, Radioactive Liberty and ignored this one. Soon changes will take place here with the addition of a second writer, who will be doing some revamping too. Should make this a better looking and more functional blog.

Talk to you soon.