Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tom Daschle: Out, Nancy Killefer: Underachiever

By Les James

President Obama's pick for the newly created position of Chief Performance Officer (sounds like something Bill would have thought up) Nancy Killefer has dropped out.  The reason stated was that she has a tax lien on her home, to the tune of $946.69.  Obviously she didn't have the same CPA as Richardson, Rangel, or Geithner. While this really could have been a mistake, in truth, she just didn't meet the high standards set by other picks. 

Just a few minutes ago, Tom Daschle pulled out. No, not his head, it's still firmly planted.  Tom Daschle has withdrawn his nomination as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Human Services... That sounds like Bill too. . 

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Snigglefrits said...


Anonymous said...

You think Mr. Know-it-all with all his perfection and plans would put his picks under a microscope. Nope. You think they would have learned from Bush's mistakes. Oh wait, THE ONE doesn't make mistakes.

Les James said...

He did say he had made a mistake for putting up Daschle but it rang hollow. Nice try dude, no Clinton cigar.